Project profile — Sixth Replenishment (2014-2018) - Global Environment Facility (GEF) - II


GEF - Global Environmental Facility (47044)
2015-03-19 - 2018-06-30
Global Affairs Canada
International Assistance Partnerships an

Country / region 

• Africa, regional (25.19%)
• America, regional (24.63%)
• Asia, regional (24.81%)
• Europe, regional (21.65%)
• Developing countries, unspecified (3.72%)


• Water sector policy and administrative management:
Water sector policy and administrative management (14010) (0.83%)
Water resources conservation (including data collection) (14015) (1.41%)
Water supply - large systems (14021) (0.03%)
Sanitation - large systems (14022) (0.35%)
River basins' development (14040) (0.22%)
Waste management/disposal (14050) (1.28%)
• Public sector policy and administrative management:
Public sector policy and administrative management (15110) (0.15%)
Democratic participation and civil society (15150) (0.06%)
• Conflict Prevention And Resolution, Peace And Security: Security system management and reform (15210) (0.01%)
• Transport policy and administrative management:
Transport policy and administrative management (21010) (0.48%)
Road transport (21020) (0.01%)
• Energy Generation, Distribution And Efficiency - General: Energy policy and administrative management (23110) (3.03%)
• Energy generation, renewable sources - multiple technologies:
Energy generation, renewable sources - multiple technologies (23210) (4.56%)
Hydro-electric power plants (23220) (0.51%)
Solar energy (23230) (0.35%)
Wind energy (23240) (0.35%)
Geothermal energy (23260) (0.11%)
Biofuel-fired power plants (23270) (0.50%)
• Energy Generation, Non-Renewable Sources: Energy generation, non-renewable sources - unspecified (23310) (0.22%)
• Heating, Cooling And Energy Distribution: Electric power transmission and  distribution (23630) (0.24%)
• Banking And Financial Services: Informal/semi-formal financial intermediaries (24040) (0.01%)
• Business And Other Services: Business support services and institutions (25010) (0.06%)
• Agricultural policy and administrative management:
Agricultural policy and administrative management (31110) (1.65%)
Agricultural development (31120) (0.20%)
Agricultural land resources (31130) (0.52%)
Agricultural water resources (31140) (0.34%)
Food crop production (31161) (0.04%)
Industrial crops/export crops (31162) (0.14%)
Livestock (31163) (0.13%)
Agricultural research (31182) (0.08%)
• Forestry policy and administrative management:
Forestry policy and administrative management (31210) (2.03%)
Forestry development (31220) (0.27%)
Fuelwood/charcoal (31261) (0.36%)
• Fishing policy and administrative management:
Fishing policy and administrative management (31310) (1.74%)
Fishery development (31320) (0.02%)
• Industrial policy and administrative management:
Industrial policy and administrative management (32110) (0.80%)
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) development (32130) (0.24%)
Agro-industries (32161) (0.26%)
Chemicals (32164) (0.84%)
Technological research and development (32182) (0.19%)
• Mineral Resources And Mining: Nonferrous metals (32264) (0.84%)
• Tourism: Tourism policy and administrative management (33210) (0.41%)
• Environmental policy and administrative management:
Environmental policy and administrative management (41010) (38.82%)
Biosphere protection (41020) (4.89%)
Bio-diversity (41030) (10.42%)
Site preservation (41040) (0.01%)
Flood prevention/control (41050) (0.11%)
• Multisector aid:
Multisector aid (43010) (10.69%)
Urban development and management (43030) (1.10%)
Rural development (43040) (0.42%)
• Reconstruction Relief And Rehabilitation: Reconstruction relief and rehabilitation (73010) (0.32%)
• Disaster Prevention And Preparedness: Disaster prevention and preparedness (74010) (0.42%)
• Unallocated/ Unspecified: Sectors not specified (99810) (6.93%)

Policy marker 

• Gender equality (significant objective)
• Environmental sustainability (cross-cutting) (principal objective)
• Participatory development and good governance (not targeted)
• Trade development (not targeted)
• Biodiversity (principal objective)
• Climate change mitigation (principal objective)
• Climate Change Adaptation (significant objective)
• Urban issues (not targeted)
• Desertification (principal objective)
• Children's issues (not targeted)
• Youth Issues (not targeted)
• Disaster Risk Reduction(DRR) (not targeted)
• Indigenous Issues (not targeted)
• Disability (not targeted)
• Nutrition (not targeted)
• ICT as a tool for development (not targeted)


This project represents Canada's sixth replenishment of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), which is the single biggest source of funding for the global environment. Due to administrative reasons, this project is separated into two profiles for a total amount of $216,570,000. Canada is the sixth largest contributor to the GEF under its Sixth Replenishment (GEF-6), covering the period of 2014-2018 (Canada's contribution was recorded as $233.09 million as a result of the accelerated payment). By supporting the GEF, Canada helps developing countries implement their multilateral environmental agreements and environmental priorities in a way that supports national sustainable development priorities and ensures benefits for local development. Through the GEF, Canada supports work in areas such as climate change, biodiversity, chemicals and waste (including mercury), land degradation, international waters, and sustainable forest management. Under GEF-6, the GEF and its partner agencies continue to provide financing for new and improved environmental policies, legislation and regulatory frameworks, and capacity development in developing countries. As a member of the 32-member GEF Council, Canada works toward implementing its priorities for GEF-6, which are to: (1) leverage scarce donor resources, including through enhanced private sector engagement and greater use of non-grant instruments; (2) strengthen programming results, from an integrated approach pilot to address drivers of environmental degradation, better gender mainstreaming and enhanced country and civil society engagement; and (3) improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the GEF by focusing on operational reforms, including improving the efficiency of the project cycle and strengthening the results-based management and the knowledge management systems. For the first profile for this project, as well as previous support to GEF, see related information below.

Expected results 

The expected intermediate outcomes for this project include: (i) increased area of terrestrial and marine ecosystems of global significance in new protected areas; (ii) accelerated adoption of innovative technologies and management practices for greenhouse gas emission reduction and carbon sequestration; (iii) innovative technologies successfully demonstrated, deployed and transferred for the reduction of chemicals and waste; (iv) integrated landscape management practices adopted by local communities; and (v) political commitment/shared vision and improved governance demonstrated for joint, ecosystem-based management of trans-boundary water bodies.

Results achieved 

Results achieved as of May 2018 include: (1) sound management of 29 freshwater basins; (2) provision of biodiversity protection and planning for more than 360 million hectares of landscapes and seascapes; (3) reduction of 1.4 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions; (4) 103 million hectares of agriculture land brought under sustainable management; and (5) sound management and disposal of 76,000 metric tons of highly toxic persistent organic pollutants.

Budget and spending 

Original budget $25,040,000
Planned disbursement $0
Country percentages by sector
Type of finance Encashment basis
Collaboration type Multilateral
Type of aid Core contributions to multilateral institutions