Project profile — Systems enhancement for transformative health


Action Against Hunger (CA-CRA_ACR-3833634678)
2016-10-14 - 2021-03-31
Global Affairs Canada
International Assistance Partnerships an

Country / region 

• Kenya (50.00%)
• Guatemala (50.00%)


• Health, General: Health policy and administrative management (12110) (29.00%)
• Basic health care:
Basic health care (12220) (39.00%)
Basic nutrition (12240) (32.00%)

Policy marker 

• Gender equality (significant objective)
• Environmental sustainability (cross-cutting) (not targeted)
• Participatory development and good governance (not targeted)
• Trade development (not targeted)
• Biodiversity (not targeted)
• Climate change mitigation (not targeted)
• Climate Change Adaptation (not targeted)
• Urban issues (not targeted)
• Desertification (not targeted)
• Children's issues (significant objective)
• Youth Issues (significant objective)
• Disaster Risk Reduction(DRR) (not targeted)
• Disability (not targeted)
• Indigenous Issues (not targeted)
• Nutrition (not targeted)
• ICT as a tool for development (not targeted)


This project aims to contribute to the reduction of maternal and child mortality in Guatemala and Kenya by improving the delivery and utilization of essential and nutrition related health services. Project activities include: (1) building the capacity of local and district health teams in service delivery and strategic planning; (2) conducting awareness of existing health services with local communities; (3) training households on nutritious crop selection, production and post harvest handling; (4) promoting and implementing care-taker and baby-friendly community approaches; and (5) training of health staff on treatment of malnourished children. It is estimated that more than 1.3 million people benefit directly, and more than 880,000 people indirectly, from activities led in the Chiquimula Department of Guatemala and 5 counties in Kenya (West Pokot, Trans-Nzoia, Busia, Kakamega, and Bungoma) The project is implemented by Action Against Hunger Canada in Kenya in collaboration with Action Against Hunger Kenya, Helen Keller International, and the Ministry of Health. In Guatemala, it is implemented in collaboration with Action Against Hunger Guatemala, Médicos del Mundo España en Guatemala, Asociación de Investigación y Estudios Sociales, and local government organizations.

Expected results 

The expected outcomes of this project include: (1) increased use of essential health and nutrition services by pregnant women, mothers, adolescent girls and boys; (2) improved nutrition status of pregnant and lactating mothers, adolescent girls and boys; and (3) enhanced integration of gender sensitive health and nutrition services within local and national policies and plans.

Results achieved 

Results achieved at the end of the project (June 2021) include: (1) increase by 105% in the number of women attending at least 4 ante-natal care visits in Bungoma county, Kenya (one of the targeted areas); (2) increased by 56% in the number of pregnant and lactating women using iron and folic acid supplementation in Kenya; increase by 34% in the immunization of children against measles in Kenya; (3) increased by 202% in Vitamin A supplementation coverage for children aged 6 to 59 months in targeted areas of Kenya; (4) increased by 41% in the number of children aged 6 to 23 months old receiving the “minimum acceptable diet” in Guatemala; and (5) integrated best practices for maternal, newborn and child health into the strategic plans of 3 municipal health authorities in Guatemala.

Budget and spending 

Original budget $0
Planned disbursement $0
Transaction Date Type Value
25-08-2021 Disbursement $388,344
Country percentages by sector
Type of finance Aid grant excluding debt reorganisation
Collaboration type Bilateral
Type of aid Project-type interventions