International assistance projects funded by Global Affairs Canada

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Title Budget Partner Project status Start date End date
Enhanced Child Health Days $75,000,000.00 UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund Operational 2016-10-31 2022-03-31
Forest Carbon Partnership Facility - Readiness Fund $40,000,000.01 Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Operational 2011-02-02 2022-12-31
Forest Carbon Partnership Facility - Carbon Fund $5,000,000.01 Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Operational 2012-03-30 2025-12-31
Addressing Protracted Food Insecurity Through Collaborative Resilience-Based Approaches $50,000,000.00 WFP - World Food Programme Operational 2017-03-03 2024-07-31
Women of Courage - Women, Peace and Security $4,756,516.00 United Church of Canada: KAIROSInitiatives Operational 2018-03-27 2023-12-31
Justice, Empowerment and Dignity of Women and Girls in the DRC $23,000,000.00 UNDP - United Nations Development Programme Operational 2018-03-27 2025-08-31
Women’s Voice and Leadership – Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) $9,000,000.00 The Carter Center Operational 2018-12-24 2024-06-30
Girls' Education for a Better Future in the Great Lakes Region $14,996,865.00 Fondation Paul Gérin-Lajoie Operational 2019-12-10 2023-12-31
Confronting Militarism and Masculinities: Building Alliances, Analysis and Advocacy $4,697,772.00 Women’s International Leaguefor Peace and Freedom Operational 2020-03-16 2024-12-16
Cuso International - Volunteer Cooperation 2020-2028 $49,985,745.00 Cuso International Operational 2020-04-15 2027-12-31
UPA Développement international - Volunteer cooperation 2020-2028 $12,023,261.00 UPA Développement international Operational 2020-04-07 2027-12-31
Canada World: Voice for Women and Girls $12,214,838.00 JHR - Journalists for Human Rights Operational 2019-10-11 2026-12-31
Power to Choose $10,123,386.77 Oxfam-Québec Operational 2021-03-26 2028-03-31
DRC - Emergency Assistance - The Alliance for International Medical Action 2021-2022 $4,600,000.00 The Alliance for International Medical Action Operational 2021-04-16 2024-03-31
Multi-country Sexual Reproductive Health and Gender-Based Violence response to COVID-19 – IRC - 2021 $10,000,000.00 International Rescue Committee Operational 2021-03-29 2022-05-31
Support to School Health and Nutrition – World Food Programme $10,000,000.00 WFP - World Food Programme Operational 2021-03-30 2022-09-30
SMART-RMC (Respectful Maternity Care) $2,009,758.00 Canadian Association of Midwives Operational 2021-11-01 2025-04-30
Coordination of Humanitarian Responses in Multiple Countries and Regions – OCHA 2021 $21,550,000.00 OCHA - United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Operational 2021-03-22 2022-12-31
Inclusive Service Delivery Africa $9,528,569.00 Transparency International Operational 2022-01-21 2025-12-31
Improving Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Care in Burundi and the DRC $20,262,820.00 Université de Montréal - CHUM - Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal - Unité de santé internationale Operational 2022-02-28 2027-09-15
Democratic Republic of the Congo Crisis - Emergency Assistance - Doctors of the World 2022-2023 $3,000,000.00 Doctors of the World Canada Operational 2022-06-01 2024-05-31
Humanitarian, Recovery and Development for COVID-related Food Insecurity - CFGB 2021-2023 $10,000,000.00 Canadian Foodgrains Bank Operational 2021-04-01 2023-12-31
TO SUNGANA - Support to the Panzi Foundation $2,007,343.00 Fondation Panzi Operational 2021-08-05 2024-05-31
Strengthening the Child Protection System in the Democratic Republic of Congo $11,200,000.00 International Bureau for Operational 2022-02-25 2027-08-31
Talents Pluriels – Safe and Inclusive Economic Growth for Vulnerable Youth in the DRC $5,000,000.00 Cuso International Operational 2022-03-24 2025-12-31
Field Support Services - Democratic Republic of Congo (2022-2027) $8,000,000.00 Alinea International Ltd Operational 2022-03-21 2027-03-31
Community Learning Centres for Women and Girls $1,914,502.00 Susila Dharma Association (Canada) Operational 2022-05-11 2026-11-30
Nutrition Response to Famine Risks – Save the Children 2022-23 $17,000,000.00 Save the Children Canada Operational 2022-03-28 2024-03-31
Energy Access Relief Fund (EARF) $28,000,000.00 Energy Access Relief Fund B.V. Operational 2022-03-28 2025-08-04
Improving the Resilience of the Health System to ensure Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights $5,000,000.00 UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund Operational 2021-03-08 2024-04-01
Electoral Education and Inclusive Governance Program in the Democratic Republic of Congo $10,250,000.00 Development and Peace Operational 2023-05-12 2029-05-31
Canadian International Development Scholarships Program 2030 $80,610,000.00 Colleges and Institutes Canada(previously named ACCC) Operational 2022-03-04 2029-11-30
Multi-country - Emergency Health Assistance - Doctors Without Borders 2021-2023 $42,500,000.00 Doctors Without Borders Operational 2021-03-25 2023-12-31
Humanitarian, Recovery and Development for COVID-related Food Insecurity - CFGB 2021-2023 $10,000,000.00 Canadian Foodgrains Bank Operational 2021-12-08 2023-12-31
Multi-Country - UNICEF Emergency Famine Support 2021 $45,000,000.00 UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund Operational 2021-10-15 2024-12-31
UNDP – CBPF Emergency Famine Support – 2021 $7,000,000.00 UNDP Multi Donor Trust Fund office Operational 2021-10-22 2022-12-31
Food Security Crisis - Gender-Responsive Nutrition – CARE Canada 2022 -2023 $17,000,000.00 CARE Canada Operational 2022-03-28 2024-06-30
Democratic Republic of the Congo Crisis - Emergency Assistance - Save the Children 2022-2023 $3,000,000.00 Save the Children Canada Operational 2022-06-30 2024-03-31
Coordination of Humanitarian Responses in Multiple Countries and Regions – OCHA 2023 $17,400,000.00 OCHA - United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Operational 2023-03-30 2024-12-31
East and Southern Africa Emergency Food Assistance - WFP 2022-2023 $91,150,000.00 WFP - World Food Programme Operational 2022-03-29 2024-03-31
World Food Programme - Famine Response 2023 $82,500,000.00 WFP - World Food Programme Operational 2023-01-11 2024-03-31
COVID-19 Vaccination Delivery and Health System Strengthening $60,000,000.00 UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund Operational 2022-12-20 2025-12-31
COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery and Health System Strengthening in Africa $27,000,000.00 WHO - World Health Organization Operational 2022-12-23 2024-11-30
Power to Choose $29,376,613.23 Oxfam-Québec Operational 2021-03-26 2028-01-27
Right to safe abortion $4,850,000.00 Ipas Operational 2023-03-15 2028-02-18
Support for the establishment of a Conflict sensitivity hub in the Democratic Republic of Congo $3,000,000.00 INTERNATIONAL ALERT Operational 2023-03-20 2025-12-31
Beans for Women for Empowerment $15,000,000.00 International Center for TropicalAgriculture Operational 2023-03-28 2027-12-31
UNICEF - COVID-19 Vaccination Delivery and Health System Strengthening $110,000,000.00 UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund Operational 2022-10-26 2024-05-31
COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery and Health System Strenghtening $30,000,000.00 WHO - World Health Organization Operational 2022-12-05 2024-05-31
Vitamin A Supplementation in a New Age (VINA) $34,000,000.00 UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund Operational 2023-01-19 2025-12-31
Actions by and for Women to adapt to Climate Change $10,011,255.00 Fondation Paul Gérin-Lajoie Operational 2023-09-25 2025-12-31
International Committee of the Red Cross – East and Southern Africa - CAP 2023 to 2024 $29,150,000.00 ICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross Operational 2023-05-11 2025-03-31
Coordination of Humanitarian Responses by the Country-Based Pooled Funds - OCHA 2023-2024 $37,000,000.00 OCHA - United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Operational 2023-05-11 2024-12-31
Francophonie scholarships 2020-2025 $8,031,600.00 CBIE - Canadian Bureau for International Education Operational 2020-09-30 2025-09-30
Alternatives - IYIP Internships 2023 à 2028 $4,274,229.00 Alternatives Operational 2023-10-20 2028-12-31
International Humanitarian Law Compliance – Geneva Call $1,500,000.00 Geneva Call Foundation Operational 2022-08-30 2025-12-31
Canadian Foodgrains Bank - Institutional Support 2021 to 2024 $75,000,000.00 Canadian Foodgrains Bank Operational 2021-06-30 2024-09-30
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees – Sub-Saharan Africa – CAP 2022 to 2023 $42,450,000.00 UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Operational 2022-06-02 2025-06-30
Strengthening local leadership in WPS and YPS in conflict and post-conflict settings $2,498,942.02 Global Network of Women Peacebuilders Operational 2024-03-26 2026-07-31
Women and Adolescent Girls Mobilized for their Health $25,000,000.00 CCISD - Center for International Cooperation in Health and Development Operational 2024-07-03 2030-06-30
Protection of civilians in United Nations peace operations and effects of disinformation $242,285.00 United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Operational 2024-08-23 2025-05-30
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