The project aims to support the implementation of the Government of Tanzania Statistical Master Plan. Stakeholders for this initiative include all collectors and producers of national statistics (the National Bureau of Statistics, the Office of the Chief Statistician-Zanzibar, ministries, departments, agencies, regional secretariats, local government authorities, non-governmental organizations, researchers, academia, the private sector), as well as all users of national statistics (Government of Tanzania officials at all levels, international and multilateral agencies, development partners, private sector, researchers, academia, non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, and the general public). Specific activities include: revising the outdated Statistics Act; recruiting competent and experienced statisticians in line with the priorities of the National Bureau of Statistics and the Office of the Chief Statistician-Zanzibar; and providing training, including on the collection and analysis of sex-disaggregated data, at all levels of the Government of Tanzania.