The project aims to improve maternal, newborn, and child health in Mali. It supports the Ministry of Health of Mali in implementing the National Health and Social Development Program, especially making health services geographically and financially accessible, meeting demand, improving the quality of services, and building institutional capacity. As with all budget support initiatives, Canada is working in close cooperation with other donors and the Government of Mali to strengthen its aid effectiveness, by focussing on effective, transparent, and accountable country systems; increasing donor coordination and harmonization; and strengthening mutual accountability. Sector-wide budgetary support also fosters greater policy dialogue among CIDA, government, and partners, thus helping to strengthen efforts for effective, focussed aid, as well as long-term development results. This initiative is continuously monitored and evaluated in coordination with other donors. The initiative’s expected results include a stronger health care system that better meets the needs of women, men, and children; improved prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, malaria, diarrhoea, respiratory diseases, and other infectious diseases targeted by an expanded program on immunization; and better nutrition for children under five and pregnant women. This project is part of Canada's Maternal, Newborn and Child Health commitment. This project is one of two parts of a $64 million contribution.