Results achieved as of March 2018 include: (1) constructed 141 new hydro-agricultural facilities (AHAs) and rehabilitated 109 AHA for a total of 250 AHAs developed since 2014. These include village irrigation areas, ponds, and micro-dams on a total area of 14,291 ha, of which 3,899 ha are owned by women; (2) 24,530 producers now have access to irrigated lands, of whom 5,807 women; (3) built ten post-harvest storage and preservation warehouses, for a total storage capacity of 1,710 tonnes; (4) built 89 km of roads and are contributing to the marketing and enhancement of agricultural products; (5) trained 9,623 people, of whom 3,300 women, in agricultural production techniques, hydro-agricultural infrastructure management, processing, rice marketing, and agricultural entrepreneurship issues; and (6) estimated additional agricultural production for 2017 to 2018 at 17,394 tonnes, including 8,524 tonnes of rice and 8,881 tonnes of garden produce.