Project profile — Strengthening Gender-Responsive Governance Latin American Parliaments


ParlAmericas - Parliamentarians for the Americas (CA-CRA_ACR-3868778606)
2022-06-14 - 2026-07-31
Global Affairs Canada
NGM Americas

Country / region 

• North and Central America, regional (50.00%)
• South America, regional (50.00%)


• Democratic participation and civil society:
Democratic participation and civil society (15150) (6.19%)
Legislatures and political parties (15152) (81.91%)
Women's rights organisations and movements, and government institutions (15170) (11.90%)

Policy marker 

• Gender equality (principal objective)
• Environmental sustainability (cross-cutting) (significant objective)
• Participatory development and good governance (principal objective)
• Trade development (not targeted)
• Biodiversity (not targeted)
• Climate change mitigation (significant objective)
• Climate Change Adaptation (significant objective)
• Urban issues (not targeted)
• Desertification (not targeted)
• Children's issues (not targeted)
• Youth Issues (not targeted)
• Disaster Risk Reduction(DRR) (not targeted)
• Indigenous Issues (not targeted)
• Disability (not targeted)
• Nutrition (not targeted)
• ICT as a tool for development (not targeted)


This project aims to foster gender-responsive parliamentary governance across 19 Latin American countries. It does so through regional network building, technical assistance, and capacity development of parliamentarians, parliamentary staff, women’s advocates and civil society. The project seeks to dismantle political, structural and legislative barriers to gender equality and to women’s empowerment. The project implements activities to strengthen the capacities of parliamentary stakeholders to collaborate on gender-sensitive issues, including climate change, many of which are not often seen as gender issues. By tackling existing challenges to women’s meaningful participation in parliamentary action, the project supports advocacy to fight and adapt to climate change in the region.

Expected results 

The expected outcomes of this project include: (1) increased meaningful participation of a diversity of women in political leadership and decision-making processes in Latin America; (2) improved access by women to open and gender responsive governance structures and decision-making processes; and (3) increased gender-sensitive actions by parliamentarians in Latin America on domestic and regional issues, including sustainable development and climate change.

Results achieved 

Results achieved as of March 2024 include: (1) supported 1,593 participants (1,051 women, 539 men and 3 non-binary individuals) in project activities across 17 countries in Latin America. This aimed at enhancing the awareness and knowledge or skills to promote women’s participation and leadership in public life. This included 958 parliamentary and 385 civil society stakeholders; (2) reached 17 national parliaments in the Latin America region to enhance capacities for inclusive, responsive and sustainable legislative work; and (3) supported 102 women’s organizations and networks that advance women’s rights and gender equality.

Budget and spending 

Original budget $1,400,000
Planned disbursement $1,262,292
Transaction Date Type Value
27-06-2024 Disbursement $649,395
29-11-2024 Disbursement $612,897
Country percentages by sector
Type of finance Aid grant excluding debt reorganisation
Collaboration type Bilateral
Type of aid Project-type interventions