This project aims to improve inclusive and gender-responsive, comprehensive disaster management in the Caribbean Region focusing on vulnerable populations, particularly women and girls. The World Food Programme, in partnership with regional and national agencies, works to build capacity and strengthen disaster response and social protection systems, ensuring that vulnerable households and populations are supported to prepare for and recover from shocks. Project activities include: (1) providing technical assistance to national governments in areas that will support the strengthening of social protection and disaster response systems, such as identification and registration, vulnerability analyses, mapping, information management and data analysis, digitalization, and predictions and assessments of the impact of shocks; (2) providing top-ups to increase national insurance coverage made available by CCRIF-SPC, to enable the equivalent portion of payments received following a disaster to be transferred directly through social protection systems to those most vulnerable and in need of assistance; (3) identifying and developing mechanisms for anticipatory action financing to enable the disbursement of funds to the most vulnerable to aid their preparedness in advance of a predictable event (e.g. hurricane); (4) supporting continued progress on establishing and operationalizing the Regional Logistics Hub and Centre of Excellence in coordination with the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) and other partners; and (5) operationalizing the Centre of Excellence training facility and delivering training for disaster response personnel and logisticians. This project will be implemented in Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Suriname. The targeted beneficiaries will be populations living in vulnerable situations, particularly women and girls in the targeted countries. Additionally, national governments and regional, and national organizations will benefit from capacity building initiatives and technical assistance.