Results achieved at the end of the project (July 2021) include: (1) strengthened operational capacities for 39 local technical services and 23 partner communities in charge of child protection, and 200 village prevention and warning committees created and strengthened; (2) 100 round tables established for exchanging and sharing experiences, good practices, and lessons learned in support of child protection; (3) trained 1,218 formal and non-formal actors (572 women) in violence, abuse, exploitation, and negligence prevention cases, as well as 523 child protection actors (228 women) trained on the communes’ emergency response plan to protect vulnerable children, particularly girls; (4) 1,705 local decision-makers (876 women) built their capacity on combating harmful practices and child exploitation, particularly girls, including 975 awareness-raising events conducted on eliminating child marriage and female genital mutilation and cutting, for the benefit of the 200,100 community members, including women, children, and girls in attendance; (5) organized 700 sport and play activities focusing on child protection and children's rights for the benefit of 101,296 community members (46,146 women) in attendance; (6) trained 649 teachers (325 women) in play-based and child-centred learning to reach and retain crisis-affected children and those affected by harmful practices, particularly girls; (7) 1,175 children (531 girls) removed from gold-panning sites and supported to facilitate their return to the formal education system and socio-economic reintegration, including 272 young people (163 girls) trained in vocational trades and 160 young people (112 girls) supported in youth entrepreneurship; and (8) trained 600 community volunteers (300 women) and 69 trainers (27 women) in holistic child development resources, especially for girls.