Project profile — Supporting Family Planning and Abortion in Mozambique


Pathfinder International
2018-03-28 - 2024-06-30
Global Affairs Canada
WGM Africa

Country / region 

• Mozambique (100.00%)


• Population policy and administrative management:
Population policy and administrative management (13010) (27.00%)
Reproductive health care (13020) (19.00%)
Family planning (13030) (11.00%)
Personnel development for population and reproductive health (13081) (21.00%)
• Government And Civil Society, General: Ending violence against women and girls (15180) (22.00%)

Policy marker 

• Urban issues (not targeted)
• Participatory development and good governance (not targeted)
• Climate change mitigation (not targeted)
• Climate Change Adaptation (not targeted)
• Trade development (not targeted)
• ICT as a tool for development (not targeted)
• Youth Issues (significant objective)
• Indigenous Issues (not targeted)
• Environmental sustainability (cross-cutting) (significant objective)
• Disability (not targeted)
• Gender equality (principal objective)
• Biodiversity (not targeted)
• Children's issues (significant objective)
• Desertification (not targeted)
• Disaster Risk Reduction(DRR) (not targeted)
• Nutrition (significant objective)


This project aims to improve gender equality in nine districts in Manica and Tete provinces such that adolescent girls and young women can exercise their rights to autonomy and self-determination over their own body, as well as to sexual and reproductive health. Project activities include: (1) conducting outreach, training and small group mentoring of adolescent girls and young women to increase their confidence, knowledge, skills and civic action on sexual and reproductive health; (2) establishing community feedback and accountability mechanisms on quality of health services and progress on gender equality; (3) facilitating community dialogues for young and older men to increase their engagement and responsibility and develop action plans on sexual and reproductive health, gender violence, early marriage, and gender equality; (4) training community healthcare workers who counsel family members on the harmful effects of sexual and gender-based violence, as well as child, early and forced marriage; (5) broadcasting radio shows that address harmful and discriminatory norms about sexual and reproductive health; (6) establishing services for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, including screening and treatment of sexually transmitted infections and psychological support; (7) training and mentoring health providers and managers to offer quality, safe and legal contraceptive and abortion services; and (8) conducting outreach to provide family planning and other sexual and reproductive health services and referrals to the most remote populations.

Expected results 

The expected outcomes for this project include: (1) increased empowerment of women and girls to exercise agency in household-, community-, and policy-level sexual and reproductive health and rights decision-making; (2) decreased harmful practices and socio-cultural norms and beliefs that limit women’s and girls’ decision-making and control over their sexual and reproductive health, sexuality and bodily integrity; and (3) improved provision and utilization of rights-based, gender-sensitive, youth-friendly contraceptive, abortion and sexual and gender-based violence services.

Results achieved 

Results achieved as of March 2024 include: (1) trained 1,576 health providers (78% are women) from 9 different districts in Manica and Tete provinces on sexual and gender-based violence; (2) trained 3,056 teachers and facilitators (57% are women) and 206 community health workers (63% are women) on comprehensive sexuality education and rights; (3) reached 100,204 adolescent girls and young women through home visits, with information on sexual and reproductive health and rights; (4) supported 117,133 men to participate in community dialogues to discuss gender equality, sexual and reproductive health, sexual and gender-based violence, and child, early and forced marriage; (5) community health workers for contraception (80,510), safe abortion (1,546), gender-based violence (788) and others (6,006) helped refer 88,925 people from communities to health facilities; and (6) provided safe legal abortions or post-abortion care to 42,062 women and girls.

Budget and spending 

Original budget $0
Planned disbursement $40,000
Transaction Date Type Value
25-07-2024 Disbursement $50,000
Country percentages by sector
Type of finance Aid grant excluding debt reorganisation
Collaboration type Bilateral
Type of aid Project-type interventions