Results achieved as of March 2022 include: (1) 89% of the 1,800 ultra-poor graduation component beneficiaries set up more than three income-generating productive assets; (2) 2,500 (70%) of beneficiaries who survived on roughly CAN $2.50 a day graduated from extreme poverty; (3) provided skills-building training to 2,652 adolescents and youths (1,506 women and 1146 men between the ages of 14 and 25) in trades. These trades include tailoring and dress-making, wood furniture design and making, mobile phone servicing, beauty parlour, welding service, information technology support, refrigeration and air conditioning, electric motor repair, automobile and motorcycle servicing; (4) 1,591 (60%) adolescents and youth who took part in skills-building training found employment in their respective sectors, with an average monthly income of BDT 3,279 (CAN $45); (5) supported 2,700 youth (50% women) and 6,300 women to take part in income-generating activities through skills training, market linkages, supply chains and apprenticeship-based activities, benefitting roughly 45,000 household members; (6) provided targeted training to 235 healthcare workers (35 community health workers and 200 community health volunteers) and 50 midwives to help meet identified needs in the health sector; (7) provided maternal care, sexual and reproductive health services and family planning to 114,870 women from the host community; (8) provided free outpatient medical services to 133,333 host community members, including diagnoses and needed treatment; (9) provided awareness-building messages to 163,717 (119,479 women, 44,238 men) host community beneficiaries to help reduce the spread of COVID-19; (10) trained 75 health service providers (38 women, 37 men) about infection prevention and control to help deliver continuous health services during the COVID-19 pandemic; (11) gave out 12,693 hygiene kits, including masks, soaps and sanitizers, in the host community; and (12) provided immediate food support to 15,000 households (11,018 women-headed, 3,982 men-headed) through a weekly cash distribution of BDT 1,500 (CAN $20).