Project profile — Women Included: Nurturing Growth and Security - WINGS


Pact Institute
2020-03-10 - 2024-12-31
Global Affairs Canada
EGM Europe, Arctic, Middle East and Magh

Country / region 

• Ukraine (100.00%)


• Human rights:
Human rights (15160) (15.00%)
Women's rights organisations and movements, and government institutions (15170) (35.00%)
• Other Social Infrastructure And Services: Employment policy and administrative management (16020) (45.00%)
• Business And Other Services: Business support services and institutions (25010) (5.00%)

Policy marker 

• Participatory development and good governance (not targeted)
• Children's issues (not targeted)
• Gender equality (principal objective)
• Youth Issues (not targeted)
• Climate change mitigation (not targeted)
• Urban issues (not targeted)
• Disability (not targeted)
• Climate Change Adaptation (not targeted)
• ICT as a tool for development (not targeted)
• Trade development (not targeted)
• Biodiversity (not targeted)
• Desertification (not targeted)
• Indigenous Issues (not targeted)
• Environmental sustainability (cross-cutting) (not targeted)
• Nutrition (not targeted)
• Disaster Risk Reduction(DRR) (not targeted)


The project aims to enhance the economic prosperity of women and the most vulnerable and marginalized people in Ukraine. It targets women affected by war and the most vulnerable, including rural women, internally displaced, women with partners or family members in the military, and women with disabilities, among other marginalized women`s groups. The project also aims to target local and regional authorities, the business community and state employment centres through gender-sensitivity workshops and advocacy campaigns to holistically address women’s economic challenges. Project activities include: (1) implementing community-based events and training for local authorities to advocate for developing local and regional programs to support women’s economic engagement; (2) providing basic and advanced information technology skills training and scholarships to young, vulnerable women to increase their employment and entrepreneurship opportunities; (3) providing training on various business-related topics, including basic business skills, and offering a Business Model Validation program. This program aims to help early-stage entrepreneurs advance their start-up enterprises through skills-based training and access to seed financing; and (4) providing technical assistance to regional and local employment centers in target regions to increase the capacity of employment centers. This enables them to provide gender-sensitive employment services and women’s economic empowerment programs.

Expected results 

The expected outcomes for this project include: (1) enhanced economic security of rural women and the most vulnerable or marginalized, especially those affected by the conflict; and (2) enhanced employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for women and the most vulnerable or marginalized

Results achieved 

Results achieved as of March 2023 include: (1) continued close collaboration with local councils and community members to bring more focus on women’s economic empowerment and support to internally displaced women. This resulted in 16 out of 20 communities implementing Strategic Development Plans, of which 10 included gender-specific activities or indicators; (2) conducted 2 rounds of enrollment for vulnerable women and provided economic opportunities service packages to 752 women across 4 targeted regions to strengthen their economic security; (3) 149 women completed Information Technology training provided by Ukrainian civil society organization Beetroot Academy, improving their computer literacy skills; (4) 201 women completed employability skills training, improving their confidence in seeking and receiving employment; and (5) 372 women completed basic business skills training, improving their skills in accountability, taxation, marketing, finance, etc. 274 of them developed their business plans, and 224 received seed funding to launch their small businesses.

Budget and spending 

Original budget $0
Planned disbursement $2,384,969
Transaction Date Type Value
30-05-2024 Disbursement $1,580,366
Country percentages by sector
Type of finance Aid grant excluding debt reorganisation
Collaboration type Bilateral
Type of aid Project-type interventions
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