Results achieved as of the end of the project (October 2017) include: (1) 125 rural public school facilities rehabilitated and equipped with educational material, benefitting 22,618 girls and 19,403 boys; (2) pedagogical supplies, including school bags and notebooks, provided to 5,687 girls and 4,425 boys in need; (3) 15,260 mothers received nutritional supplements and training on pre and post-natal care; (4) 153 water purification systems, 451 bore wells with hand pumps, and 2,764 latrines installed in 542 villages; (5) 25 demonstration farms totalling 128 acres set up to train and motivate farmers to use organic farming practices, with maize, paddy rice, pulse, peanuts, cotton and chili; (6)1,367 farming households trained on use of bio fertilizer and bio pesticides; (7)150 families equipped with drip irrigation kits; (8) soil fertility of 25,440 acres of agricultural land owned by 15,023 small farm-holders living in 152 villages improved by applying 1,725,620 cubic meters of silt; (9) tree coverage in 799 villages increased by planting 129,161 tree saplings; 10) through its People’s Development Training Centre in Warangal, Bala Vikasa provided training in asset-based community development to 3,817 (37% female) development practitioners from 936 organizations, both national and international, including NGOs, community-based organizations and government at various levels. Participants were from 52 countries, including India. As a result of the above project activities: 423,925 people, including 169,603 children, have improved access to water and sanitation; the prevalence of water-borne diseases among children in the beneficiary communities was reduced from 80% to 20%; there was a 100% reduction in new cases of dental fluorosis contamination; improved learning environment and school supplies to children reduced school absenteeism from 40% to 15%; organic farming practices contributed to increased yields (20% to 30%) and increased net farming income (40% to 80%), depending on crop varieties; 15,000 widows gathered in June 2017 at a convention to highlight their issues and educate the public.