
Name Description
A/CHMN Acting Chairman
A/CHMN (Canadian War Mission) Acting Chairman (Canadian War Mission)
A/COMNR Acting Commissioner
A/HC Acting High Commissioner
A/PERM DEL Acting Permanent Delegate
A/PERM OBS Acting Permanent Observer
A/REP Acting Representative
Advisory Officer Advisory Officer
AE&P Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
AMB Ambassador
AMB & ALT PERM REP Ambassador and Alternate Permanent Representative
AMB & DEP PERM REP Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative
AMB & HOD Ambassador and Head of Delegation
AMB & PERM DEL Ambassador and Permanent Delegate
AMB & PERM OBS Ambassador and Permanent Observer
AMB & PERM REP Ambassador and Permanent Representative
C Career
CG Consul - General
Chargé d’Affaires e.p. Chargé d’Affaires en pied
Chargé d'Affaires a.i. Chargé d'Affaires ad interim
CHMN Chairman
CHMN (Canadian War Mission) Chairman (Canadian War Mission)
COMNR Commissioner
COMNR GEN Commissioner General
DEP PERM REP Deputy Permanent Representative
DEPUTY PERM DEL Deputy Permanent Delegate
EEMP Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary
HC High Commissioner
HOD Head of Delegation
HOM Head of Mission
MIN & PERM DEL Minister and Permanent Delegate
NC Non-career
OBS Observer
PERM DEL Permanent Delegate
PERM OBS Permanent Observer
PERM REP Permanent Representative
REP Representative
ROV AMB Roving Ambassador
SECTY AND OFFR I/C PERM DEL Secretary and Officer-in-charge Permanent Delegation
SEC'TY AND OFFR I/C PERM DEL Secretary and Officer-in-Charge Permanent Delegation